Check your scalp with a Microscope and see what's going on your scalp. Then determine which treatment and products are the best for you.I provide my clients personalized treatments. Each scalp condition is unique, thus treatments should be customized according to each condition.
•Basic Head Spa 30min/45min/60min
-relaxation and cleansing scalp-
You are getting massage basically entire time.
1:apply cleansing oil
2:micro-mist steamer
5:Blow Dry
-combine with basic head spa-
•Hair regrowth
The goal is get your hair cycle back to normal
and improve hair growth.
•Purifying for everybody and scalp disorder.
highly effective in eradicating Malassezia
globosa, the dandruff-causing fungus that
attacks the scalp
combat sebaceous hyperactivity, which causes
yellow spots and clumps of dandruff to appear
on the scalp
•Soothing for inflammation/sensitive- scalp.
Calm eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, lesions,
and abrasions.
*psoriasis is not curable unfortunately but it
could be controlled. But scalp needs to be
cleaned and reduced inflammation to prevent
all flakes are built and gets
really thick which cause hair loss. I will help
you about your diet as well as a trichologist
and also a nutrition supplement adviser.